HA-BMA & Osteo-Core-Plasty™ Technique
In this video Dr. Alberto Gobbi and Dr. Ignacio Dallo present their new approach to treat Osteochondral Unit Pathology:
Biological Percutaneous Subchondral Bone Augmentation and Arthroscopic Cartilage Regeneration by HA-Bone Marrow Aspirate & Osteo-Core-Plasty Technique
The Marrow Cellution™ Osteo-Core-Plasty™ is a X-Ray or fluoroscopic guided, minimally invasive, autologous, biologic procedure that allows for necrotic bone segment resection and transplants living, vital, intact bone core segments that have the capacity to reincorporate naturally without foreign body implantation.
Learn more on the Osteo-Core-Plasty™ concept: link.