Fusion of the Metatarsal Phalangeal Joint with BMA & Bone Autograft (case report)
Steven K. Neufeld
Case Report | White Paper
Dr. Neufeld from the Centers for Advanced Orthopedics (CAO) in Falls Church, Virginia/USA reports a case that involves a patient with end stage 1st MTP joint arthritis who underwent a fusion procedure. The Marrow Cellution™ kit was used to provide bone marrow aspirate AND high quality bone autograft dowels to the fusion site.
A successful outcome was facilitated in only 6 weeks with the use of autogenic bone marrow aspiration and cancellous iliac crest bone autograft. No morbidities at the donor site or complications at the fusion site were reported.
Read the complete report: Neufeld SK. Marrow Cellution: Autologous Bone Marrow Aspiration & Autograft use in Fusion of the Metatarsal Phalangeal Joint (1st MTP joint). June 2018
The Marrow Cellution™ System is designed to minimize and eliminate the restrictive limitations associated with “point of care” processing systems which employ inefficient traditional aspiration trocar technology and are regulated as drugs “Advanced Therapies Medicinal Products (ATMP)”. Marrow Cellution™ is a minimally invasive bone/cell enriched autograft access and retrieval system, which does not require additional manipulation or processing, it never leaves the sterile field and provides rich autograft without associated morbidity.
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